In 2023, the general theme for the lecture series is Rethinking Transformative Development Policies for an Inclusive and Resilient Philippines. The theme emphasizes the role of retrospection in looking at what has been done in terms of development policies and programs for the past years. This critical review of the past will serve as an initial step for a more diagnostic approach in order to critically assess the challenges and opportunities experienced along the way. Correspondingly, this may serve as guideposts to craft better, more appropriate, and more responsive reforms and actions. The theme also posits that data and technology will be the key aspects in the bid for policy transformation for inclusive, resilient, and sustainable development in the Philippines.



2023 Thursday Talks Lecture Series

Lecture 2

LECTURE 1: working our way to development: the Philippine case

May 18, 2023

This lecture aims to give a brief account of the development experience in the Philippines in order to rethink what the country has been through for the past decades that eventually shaped our national development policies and agenda. It will also identify inherent factors or actors that played important roles in shaping the country’s current economic position in the region and the world. Lastly, it will explore possible priority areas that can be considered for public policy assessment and reform to maximize the potential of the current government in addressing persistent economic, socio-political, and environmental problems.

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Lecture 2

LECTURE 2: charting strategies for philippine foreign policy in the 21st Century

June 15, 2023

This lecture aims to explore what foreign policy means for the Philippines in the context of maritime security, economic diplomacy, and emerging shifts of powers and alliances as the country seem more vulnerable to global socio-economic and political shocks. It also tries to map out recommendations for more responsive and strategic foreign policy directions for the country in the 21st century.

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Lecture 3

LECTURE 3: Climate Action for an Inclusive and Resilient Philippines

July 20, 2023

The lecture aims to discuss the climate crisis in the Philippines and explain climate science. This lecture will also be identifying priority areas and gaps in the national framework and explore policy options to promote the climate action commitments of the country.

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Lecture 3

LECTURE 4: Making Ways for Safe and Inclusive Mass Transportation

August 24, 2023

This lecture aims to reiterate the gains and gaps in mass transportation planning in connection with land use and urban planning. It will also try to explore a multistakeholder perspective in promoting safe, inclusive, and sustainable urban mobility that can be explored in Metro Manila and other cities in the country.

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Lecture 3

LECTURE 5: Safe and Secure: Protecting Filipinos in a Digital Future

September 21, 2023

This lecture aims to tackle the state of cybersecurity in the country as the thrust for digitalization and e-governance picks up speed. It also looks at the cybersecurity measures being implemented by the central and private banks. Lastly, the lecture will explore possible public policy agenda and best practices that can be adopted from the private sector to further strengthen public cybersecurity.

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